There are countless ways to decorate your home’s living room, and most home décor themes are centralized around a rectangular rug that fits within the middle of a residential space. This seems easy enough, but if you’re tired of this conventional approach to living rooms, then you may be interested in mixing it up by investing in round rugs for your home’s décor.

Round rugs have become increasingly popular throughout the interior design industry in recent years, and this is partly because they’re incredibly versatile and offer all sorts of décor opportunities that you otherwise wouldn’t get when investing in rectangular or square area rugs. 

Below we’ll be delving deeper into why you should consider round rugs for your home’s living room! 

Square Rugs vs. Round Rugs 

It’s no secret how area rugs come in all different shapes and sizes, and some of the most common shapes other than conventional rectangles include squares and rounded rugs. 

Many people think that square rugs make more sense based upon their home’s architectural parameters, but it’s important to remember how you can always make specific adjustments based around implementing a round rug when you’re interested in these more obscure options. 

The most important thing to remember is that your home’s interior design is supposed to be a direct reflection upon yourself and your style, and round rugs are a great way to showcase how you like to stray away from cultural norms and literally think outside of the box! 

Tips On Designing Your Living Room With Round Rugs 

If you’re interested in purchasing round rugs for your home’s décor, you should keep the following interior design tips in mind to make the most of these awesome investments: 

Positioning Round Rugs Near Curved Décor Details 

Round rugs tend to look amazing when they’re placed on or adjacent to curved home décor elements, and this curved element can include all sorts of things. It could be a round dining table, round coffee table, round ottoman, round wall décor, or really anything within a room that complements the roundness of the area rug. 

This type of décor concept will create an added emphasis on the curved details found within your room, which will create a special touch to any particular space—and not just living rooms. 

Use Round Rugs To Complement Circular Furniture 

Round rugs also do a wonderful job when it comes to showcasing circular furniture that’s found within a living room. Maybe you have a circular table or chandelier in your space that you’d like to amp up with a round rug, but no matter what, you’ll see a dramatic improvement when a round area rug goes underneath or around circular furniture setups. 

This type of highlight will make your furniture stand out more than it would with a rectangular rug, so be sure to place your round rug underneath the circular furniture that you want to showcase. 

Use Round Rugs To Layer On Top Of Other Rugs 

Rug layering refers to placing two or more rugs on top of one another in an effort to create more texture and complexity within a room’s flooring design, and this is a very popular home décor trend that’s been growing in recent years. 

Round rugs just so happen to be a wonderful option for layering on top of rectangular or square area rugs, and this is particularly beautiful when you place a colorful, well-designed round rug on top of a more contemporary, plain square rug. This essentially makes your round rug more of an accent piece, and it provides the best of both worlds—and helps you save money! 

Round Rugs Make Rooms Appear Bigger 

Another interesting home décor trick that you can do with round rugs is place them in a smaller living room in an attempt to make the space appear bigger than it actually is. 

Round rugs create this type of optical illusion because they don’t cover up anywhere near as much floor space as rectangular rugs, which develops a very aesthetically pleasing allusion and ultimately more open space. 

Round rugs are also a great option for living rooms or other residential spaces that don’t have that much furniture, because it’ll make the space appear less empty. 

Reach Out To Rug Source To Learn More About Their Vast Inventory Of Round Rugs! 

There’s a lot that homeowners need to keep in mind when they’re on the hunt for new round rugs, and the best thing that online rug shoppers can do is speak directly with industry specialists about their interests, living room décor and shopping budget. 

Rug Source, Inc. is one of the leading online rug vendors in the United States, and they have one of the largest inventories of round rugs found anywhere on the internet. You can learn more about Rug Source’s round rugs by going to the link at the top of this page!