Whether you own a restaurant, grocery store, or a simple kitchen in your office, there are some common food pests you must always look for. These pests carry harmful bacteria and viruses that severely impact human health.

Owning a restaurant is a big responsibility when it comes to maintaining the hygiene and cleanliness of your kitchen. You must ensure to provide the best to customers in terms of quality. To claim that quality, you must ensure that pests do not enter your kitchen. 

Moreover, you also have the added pressure from the law to maintain good hygiene in your restaurant, and having pests in your kitchen is a big no. 

To ensure that you do not keep the prosperity of your restaurant at stake, get in touch with Stride Pest Control services as soon as possible and get your restaurant pest free. 

Here are some common pests you should look out for if you own a restaurant.

  • Cockroaches 

Cockroaches are pretty resilient and can survive for days without food. However, a restaurant is a perfect place for them as there is abundant food and water. These insects prefer to live in damp and warm areas and are nocturnal. 

These creatures thrive on any kind of food available and leave feces everywhere. The droppings of cockroaches have harmful bacteria and viruses that can cause severe digestive diseases in humans. Cockroaches do not chew or bite food; instead, they regurgitate digestive justices to create a liquid and then drink it. 

  • Rodents 

Rodents like mice and rats are highly harmful to humans. These mammals seek shelter and food in places with human presence. As any restaurant would have plenty of water and food, they are prevalent food pests. 

Rodent feed of grains, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, etc., contaminates the food and water people consume by walking all over it with their feet filled with dirt and germs. 

In addition, their fecal matter consists of harmful viruses that cause typhoid, jaundice, food poisoning, etc. The fleas present inside some rodents are responsible for the plague and other deadly diseases.

Most tiny rodents can enter your restaurant through small openings and gaps. They are also excellent climbers who can enter through pipe openings or unsealing plumbings. These pests live in dirty places like garbage bins and gutters, carrying all the filth into the restaurant and spoiling the food resources.

If you see rats or mice in your restaurant, call a pest control service and evacuate them as soon as possible.